Sunday, June 22, 2008

Let me update for a minute

I know that my post the other day may have scared a few of you (the three that read it, lol) so I thought I better explain myself.

Yesterday there was a heat advisory for the county so I knew that being outside was a not a good thing. We went to the Farmer's Market, as usual, and showed off my new skirt (which i will show at a later date). I had plans to go to Douglas laer on in the day to hang out with friends and then do some shopping. I was trying to miss the worst of the heat but still get there but it didn't happen. I finally got around topacking up the car and heading out. And as always I spent a lot of time inside Wally world before we left. And this is what I came out to.


Now yes, this is a big parking lot but usually you can see those buildings over there without a problem. It's about a 35 mile drive to Douglas thru nothing so it wasn't until I was about 5 miles away from Douglas that I started to get worried. The sand was getting harder to see thru and there were few other cars on the road. Another 3 miles I hit a wall, not litteraly but it felt like it. I hit a wall of sand that made me hit the brakes ( I was really hoping that there wasn't anyone behind me). I tried to drive a little bit more but then I passed a few more cars and a Border Patorl vehicle and called it quits. I was freaked out. The only way I can think to describe it is a white out but with sand. I called hubby to let him know what was going on, and to get some moral support. I was almost crying but trying to hold it together for Savie. We sat there on the side of the road, with the blinkers on and the fans on because it was still like 96 outside. We saat there for at least 30 minutes and at one point Savie even said she was scared. (That broke my heart. I didn't want her to be scared. It's bad enough that we had the incident back in Nov.) I told her that I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

After awhile the cars tht I was sitting with starting ot move and instead of sitting alone I followed them. I didn't want to be there by myself even though I was about 2 car lengths away from the BP. On the drive home this is what I drove thru


I was just glad to be home.