Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sunday Scribblings #108
This weeks prompt is perfectly fitting for Earth Day.
Is there Hope for the Future of the Planet?
That is a good question. I do think that there are plenty of things that we can do differently. The use of gas, being green, eating organic, fair trade items, recycling, the list goes on and on. But what can we do on a personal level? Not shop as much? That's pretty easy with the way the gas prices are rising. Buy organic? Fair trade? Shop at your local Co-op or farmer's Market. I think that's a pretty easy thing. It also gives you another chance to spend time with your kids. When I thought about this prompt I thought about the things that I do to be green and help the planet. A lot of this is stuff that I do. I try to walk more often to the things that are close and that will be the case until it gets to hot. I am trying to get into the habit of taking the bus across town for library day. When I go out to the store, which is across town, I try to make it a big trip, something to justify the drive. I am even trying to make my trips to Walmart a big one, get the food I need (it's a super walmart) and other things like toilet paper and clothes all in one trip.
I personally feel that everyone should do something, whether it's a big thing like drive a hybrid car or use public transportation all the time, or something small like packing a lunch when you to to work. Every little thing counts no matter what it is.
I personally feel that everyone should do something, whether it's a big thing like drive a hybrid car or use public transportation all the time, or something small like packing a lunch when you to to work. Every little thing counts no matter what it is.
I love my house
even though most nights I can't say that. What with the javelina's and skunks trying to get into the yard. It's the whole reason I can't compost in my yard and I really want to. I'm afraid that even the flowers I have started now will not make it. But now I am sitting here at 1 am in the morning (Sunday) watching a small fox come down and get food that was suppose to be in my compost pile. It's been so cute to see this. He's small, almost cat like but the ears are to pointed to be a cat and I know what a fox looks like. We had a kit fox that came around a lot last summer but haven't seen it this year so far. Uh oh, I think we have a problem, a skunk just showed up and wants to eat to. Ok scared it off, without having to go outside, and now I'm just waiting for the little guy to come back. To bad Savie is asleep, she would have gotten such a kick out of seeing this.
This is one of the reasons I love this house. It's so close to the mountains that wild animals will walk by without thinking about how close they are to where people are.
This is one of the reasons I love this house. It's so close to the mountains that wild animals will walk by without thinking about how close they are to where people are.
Friday, April 25, 2008
What a week
I usually have a great photo to post today, Sky Watch Friday, but the last couple of days have just been weird and busy for me. I try to keep my camera in the car but it hasn't been there for the past 3 days. I can barely think straight to write this now. I am just so out to lunch right now that I can barely do this. I have so many thoughts running around in my head but I can't seem to make any sense out of them.
I think I have mentioned before that I have a bit of a javelina problem. (read here and here also) Well Tuesday night they were here but hubby was up and went out and scared them away so that was an easy night. Wednesday they were only here once and that was before I went to bed so that was an easy night as well, but Thursday they were here at least four different times. The last time I got up, because Halley was growling, was about 5:15am. I get up around 6am so that was just crapping. I think that is just so hard to get used to. I need sleep and I have a lot of things I need to tonight and tomorrow. Oh well, things will get done soon.
I think I have mentioned before that I have a bit of a javelina problem. (read here and here also) Well Tuesday night they were here but hubby was up and went out and scared them away so that was an easy night. Wednesday they were only here once and that was before I went to bed so that was an easy night as well, but Thursday they were here at least four different times. The last time I got up, because Halley was growling, was about 5:15am. I get up around 6am so that was just crapping. I think that is just so hard to get used to. I need sleep and I have a lot of things I need to tonight and tomorrow. Oh well, things will get done soon.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Works for Me Wednesday

This is a small thing but it works for me. Most weekends I try to make pancakes for Savie and then I make a big batch to they can be frozen but since Savie is only 3 and will only eat maybe 2 a lot go in the freezer. I use an ice cream scoop to make pancakes her size. They are just her size and then I have a lot left over that will be her size when I reheat them. This also works for cookies, muffins, and the fish cakes that I just made this past week. I really need to buy another one since this is such a great thing for me.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I've been tagged!!!!!!!
I've been tagged by my friend Claudia (thanks Claudia!!)
Last Movie You Saw In A Theater:
Err.. I can't recall. I really can't. I think the last one I saw was a Spiderman, the first one.
What Book Are You Reading:
Native Son by Richard Wright
Favorite Board Game:
I haven't played a board game in so long but I think it would have to be Monolpy.
Favorite Magazine:
WonderTime, it has some great craft ideas in it.
Favorite Smells:
Cement after it's rain. I don't know why but it smells so nice to be.
Favorite Sound:
The kids laughing. Just makes me feel happy, and makes me laugh too.
Worst Feeling In The World:
having your kid lost in a store, and running around and not fiding them, wondering if they were kidnapped and raped and killed, or are they OK? You just don't know and it's scary as hell.
What Is The First Thing You Think Of When You Wake?
"halley shut-up" (that's my dog)
Favorite Fast Food Place:
Subway but I don't do fast food that often if I can help it.
Future Child's Name:
I have no idea since I am done wiht kids I don't need to think about it, lol.
Finish This Statement. "If I Had A Lot Of Money I'd...”
buy a house, start a college fund for my daughter, pay off all the debt that hubby and I have, then make donations to animal shelters, NAACP, and child foundations.
Do You Drive Fast?
What do you consider fast?
Do You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?
Storms-Cool Or Scary?
COOL! I love watching them roll in and see the lightening strike in the distance. It makes me want to curl up on the couch with a movie, popcorn, and a blanket.
What Was Your First Car?
My ex-boyfriends mustang
Favorite Drink:
Finish This Statement, "If I Had The Time I Would .....”
Go back to school.
Do You Eat The Stems On Broccoli?
Yeah, nothing wrong with them!
If You Could Dye Your Hair Any Color, What Would Be Your Choice?
purple, I love purple
Name All The Different Cities/Towns You Have Lived In.
Petaluma, Sunol, San Jose, Pacifica, Rohnert Park, all in CA.
Favorite Sports To Watch:
Soccer and football, but soccer is my first choice. Can't waoit for the world cup again.
One Nice Thing About The Person Who Sent This To You:
Caring and strong.
What's Under Your Bed?
I don't know, I'm afraid to look.
Would You Like To Be Born As Yourself Again?
I don't know.
Morning Person Or Night Owl?
NIght owl. Much rather stay up and watch tv.
Over Easy Or Sunny Side Up?
neither, scrambled
Favorite Place To Relax:
HOME! lounging and reading and sipping coffee.
Favorite Pie:
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:
anything chocolate
You pass this tag to -
Michele (Rocky Mt Retreat), Kristen (We are THAT Family), & Ana (Ramblings of a Woman)
Of All The People You Tagged This To, Who's Most Likely To Respond First?
Last Movie You Saw In A Theater:
Err.. I can't recall. I really can't. I think the last one I saw was a Spiderman, the first one.
What Book Are You Reading:
Native Son by Richard Wright
Favorite Board Game:
I haven't played a board game in so long but I think it would have to be Monolpy.
Favorite Magazine:
WonderTime, it has some great craft ideas in it.
Favorite Smells:
Cement after it's rain. I don't know why but it smells so nice to be.
Favorite Sound:
The kids laughing. Just makes me feel happy, and makes me laugh too.
Worst Feeling In The World:
having your kid lost in a store, and running around and not fiding them, wondering if they were kidnapped and raped and killed, or are they OK? You just don't know and it's scary as hell.
What Is The First Thing You Think Of When You Wake?
"halley shut-up" (that's my dog)
Favorite Fast Food Place:
Subway but I don't do fast food that often if I can help it.
Future Child's Name:
I have no idea since I am done wiht kids I don't need to think about it, lol.
Finish This Statement. "If I Had A Lot Of Money I'd...”
buy a house, start a college fund for my daughter, pay off all the debt that hubby and I have, then make donations to animal shelters, NAACP, and child foundations.
Do You Drive Fast?
What do you consider fast?
Do You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?
Storms-Cool Or Scary?
COOL! I love watching them roll in and see the lightening strike in the distance. It makes me want to curl up on the couch with a movie, popcorn, and a blanket.
What Was Your First Car?
My ex-boyfriends mustang
Favorite Drink:
Finish This Statement, "If I Had The Time I Would .....”
Go back to school.
Do You Eat The Stems On Broccoli?
Yeah, nothing wrong with them!
If You Could Dye Your Hair Any Color, What Would Be Your Choice?
purple, I love purple
Name All The Different Cities/Towns You Have Lived In.
Petaluma, Sunol, San Jose, Pacifica, Rohnert Park, all in CA.
Favorite Sports To Watch:
Soccer and football, but soccer is my first choice. Can't waoit for the world cup again.
One Nice Thing About The Person Who Sent This To You:
Caring and strong.
What's Under Your Bed?
I don't know, I'm afraid to look.
Would You Like To Be Born As Yourself Again?
I don't know.
Morning Person Or Night Owl?
NIght owl. Much rather stay up and watch tv.
Over Easy Or Sunny Side Up?
neither, scrambled
Favorite Place To Relax:
HOME! lounging and reading and sipping coffee.
Favorite Pie:
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:
anything chocolate
You pass this tag to -
Michele (Rocky Mt Retreat), Kristen (We are THAT Family), & Ana (Ramblings of a Woman)
Of All The People You Tagged This To, Who's Most Likely To Respond First?
Tackle It Tuesday #9

Oh this is a good one. I have been puttin this off for at least a year. But I finally got around to cleaning the kitchen table. Doesn't sound so bad does it? It's the kitchen table how bad could it be?

I took Savie down to Sam's so I could clean the house and my plan was to sort thru receipts and get them out of the box on my dresser. BUt for me to do that I needed the table and, as you can see, the table is a little full. It took me 2 hours to clean off my kitchen table. I cleaned everything and I mean everything on the table. I moved things around, wiped down the table, and thru things away. I even cleaned under the microwave. My table was so dusty and dirty that I went thru an entire sponge cleaning it. This is the end result.

There's enough room at the table for me to sit with my laptop!!!!!
To see more tackles head over to 5 Minutes For Mom.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I love new things
have I told you that before? I think I have hence my new way to post pictures (picinik), the music on here (which reminds me I need to add some more songs), and now this. A way for me to see where people are coming from (geographically). This should be interesting.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Sunday Scribblings #107
This weeks prompt at Sunday Scribblings is compose.
I am not a composed person. I get easily distracted, ramble on and have a hard time thinking straight. But I think that has a lot to do with other things in my life. I am not comfortable around people and use my daughter as a shield. She is composed and ready for the world. Regardless of how much I try to tell myself that everything will be ok, I can not get over the feeling that I am not ready to be out in public. I have no good reason to be out there. But there is no way that I can leave my composed, put together child away from other people. I wish for the day that I can be as composed as she is.
Compared to other kids that we spend time with, she is composed and secure with her self. This is not me bragging, this is something that I've been told she is, by Ms. Sam's. (I love this woman by the way) I have only left her there once, for about 3 hrs. I was so glad to know that Savie was fine without me (even if she wasn't a little sad without me there, lol) and that she played with all the other kids.
My daughter is love this way, she is so willing to play with any kids, whether they are older/younger then her, playing something she doesn't know anything about. She has the composure of a child much older than herself. I wish for that.
I am not a composed person. I get easily distracted, ramble on and have a hard time thinking straight. But I think that has a lot to do with other things in my life. I am not comfortable around people and use my daughter as a shield. She is composed and ready for the world. Regardless of how much I try to tell myself that everything will be ok, I can not get over the feeling that I am not ready to be out in public. I have no good reason to be out there. But there is no way that I can leave my composed, put together child away from other people. I wish for the day that I can be as composed as she is.
Compared to other kids that we spend time with, she is composed and secure with her self. This is not me bragging, this is something that I've been told she is, by Ms. Sam's. (I love this woman by the way) I have only left her there once, for about 3 hrs. I was so glad to know that Savie was fine without me (even if she wasn't a little sad without me there, lol) and that she played with all the other kids.
My daughter is love this way, she is so willing to play with any kids, whether they are older/younger then her, playing something she doesn't know anything about. She has the composure of a child much older than herself. I wish for that.
Should he be there?
in the delivery room with you? In the bedroom? While you give birth?
This is a little funny to me since I was just talking to a friend a couple of days ago about this. There are 3 mommies that are pregnant and due sometime near the end of summer. One of them was asking about how my delivery went and how we handled. The reason I'm thinking about this and posting it is because I was jumping around and stopped in at Rocks In My Dryer and then headed over to BlogHer to read her article there about fathers in the delivery room. I think I would have been ok without my husband but I was glad that he was there. He didn't talk a whole lot, was comforting, and just there.
I didn't have Savie at home but I don't think I would have wanted. We had to many people just dropping over, lived in a loud area, it wouldn't have been relaxing for me. I did have a midwife in the hospital and for that I am really happy. I wasn't ready at all to give birth, didn't even have a bag packed (or started one) when I finally went on maternity leave. I was not ready. But my midwife was more than willing to work with me, even when Savie got shoulder hung. I was very lucky and Savie was born with no problems. Did my husband de-stress me? Did he help me by being so calm? Or maybe it was because I was cutting off the blood to his hand that he couldn't say anything. What about you? Did he help you? Or stress you out?
This is a little funny to me since I was just talking to a friend a couple of days ago about this. There are 3 mommies that are pregnant and due sometime near the end of summer. One of them was asking about how my delivery went and how we handled. The reason I'm thinking about this and posting it is because I was jumping around and stopped in at Rocks In My Dryer and then headed over to BlogHer to read her article there about fathers in the delivery room. I think I would have been ok without my husband but I was glad that he was there. He didn't talk a whole lot, was comforting, and just there.
I didn't have Savie at home but I don't think I would have wanted. We had to many people just dropping over, lived in a loud area, it wouldn't have been relaxing for me. I did have a midwife in the hospital and for that I am really happy. I wasn't ready at all to give birth, didn't even have a bag packed (or started one) when I finally went on maternity leave. I was not ready. But my midwife was more than willing to work with me, even when Savie got shoulder hung. I was very lucky and Savie was born with no problems. Did my husband de-stress me? Did he help me by being so calm? Or maybe it was because I was cutting off the blood to his hand that he couldn't say anything. What about you? Did he help you? Or stress you out?
Friday, April 18, 2008
Bad Mommy #4
Ok, so if you read this post you know how I was feeling yesterday. It was not a great day. Thought that since I have been getting Savie up early all week to go to Sam's that I would let her sleep in since we didn't need to get out of the house until 10am. Maybe that was wrong. I slept in until almost 6:30 and she slept in until 7am. I even made a simple breakfast for us and let her play around until almost 8:30 before I said we needed to get dressed.
Today was a park day so I loaded up the toy box and cooler and headed for the park. She seemed to be fine and was talking up a storm in the backseat, and even at home before we left, but as soon as we got to the park she had nothing to say. to anyone. Not even her friends PJ and Hank. And that's all she was talking about the whole time at home, was playing with them. We weren't there more than 15 minutes before she had a minor meltdown. Now keep in mind that these are all kids that we see all the time. The only difference is two dads were there, neither of which I had ever met.
So after being at the park for a good hour and everyone is getting hungry and tired we decided we were going to go to the "hot dog place" for lunch. Savie was fine with this until she saw Hank drive off, then she was just a mess, wanting me to hurry up and go after them, then wanting pizza instead of hot dog's. I was ready for her to take a nap at that point but I was hungry to.
But lunch was good, she ate most of her food, talked with her friends and was happy until it was time to go (of course). But then, since it was still early and warm, I asked her if she wanted to stop and see K before we went home. Of course she did because that meant she could get into the pool and play with the puppies. We got to K's house, emptied the pool and refilled. She played in the water for 20 minutes. Then it was 20 minutes in the bathroom rinsing her off and trying to get her dressed again. It was the longest 20 minutes ever. Even leaving K's house to come home and start dinner was an ordeal. After crying for 5 minutes and watching 1 "Blue's Clues" she fell asleep on the couch. Thank goodness. I let her sleep until almost 5pm just to make sure that she had enough sleep.
Even getting dinner was a chore. I knew what I needed to make, fish and pasta, but it was really hard. Lots more crying and wanting to be picked up. Dinner was over and done with and all she had was half a PB&J and some crackers. I wanted to wash her hair tonight since she was in the pool and so were the dogs but just getting undressed was cause for more tears so I tried to put her to bed. Did it work???
No, she fell asleep on the couch crying at almost 10pm. Bad momma.
Today was a park day so I loaded up the toy box and cooler and headed for the park. She seemed to be fine and was talking up a storm in the backseat, and even at home before we left, but as soon as we got to the park she had nothing to say. to anyone. Not even her friends PJ and Hank. And that's all she was talking about the whole time at home, was playing with them. We weren't there more than 15 minutes before she had a minor meltdown. Now keep in mind that these are all kids that we see all the time. The only difference is two dads were there, neither of which I had ever met.
So after being at the park for a good hour and everyone is getting hungry and tired we decided we were going to go to the "hot dog place" for lunch. Savie was fine with this until she saw Hank drive off, then she was just a mess, wanting me to hurry up and go after them, then wanting pizza instead of hot dog's. I was ready for her to take a nap at that point but I was hungry to.
But lunch was good, she ate most of her food, talked with her friends and was happy until it was time to go (of course). But then, since it was still early and warm, I asked her if she wanted to stop and see K before we went home. Of course she did because that meant she could get into the pool and play with the puppies. We got to K's house, emptied the pool and refilled. She played in the water for 20 minutes. Then it was 20 minutes in the bathroom rinsing her off and trying to get her dressed again. It was the longest 20 minutes ever. Even leaving K's house to come home and start dinner was an ordeal. After crying for 5 minutes and watching 1 "Blue's Clues" she fell asleep on the couch. Thank goodness. I let her sleep until almost 5pm just to make sure that she had enough sleep.
Even getting dinner was a chore. I knew what I needed to make, fish and pasta, but it was really hard. Lots more crying and wanting to be picked up. Dinner was over and done with and all she had was half a PB&J and some crackers. I wanted to wash her hair tonight since she was in the pool and so were the dogs but just getting undressed was cause for more tears so I tried to put her to bed. Did it work???
No, she fell asleep on the couch crying at almost 10pm. Bad momma.
I love summer
I love summer. at least I will. I am hoping to get into better shape, the Farmer's Market is coming, and I hope to win this. This is just one of the reasons I love popping into 5 Minutes For Mom. They always have great things to say, giveaways, etc. Head over and take a look. I think these are really great for moms with multiple kids or for groups. It's all a part of their "Two week toy giveaway" head over and see what other toys are shown.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Sky Watcher Friday #8

"There's a whole in the sky" that's what my daughter said to me when she looked out the window and saw this.

To see some more wonderful shots head over to Tom's Blog.
A quick update
Well Savie got her meds, finally, and started to take them today then promptly went to Sam's and started picking on other kids. Today was a bad day for us. Usually when we go she has a good time and it's fun. (I think I mentioned before that I am thinking of taking over her place) Anyways, today there was a lot of hitting, pushing, and fighting which is not like her. She had 2 time outs while we were there. Then we came home for lunch and had to skip taking a nap because I knew we were going into town during dinner and I need her to sleep then. It was a bad afternoon. I am tired. She is tired. And I need to make cookies, my house is cold.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
ABC Wednesday

*****edited to add******* was having problems getting pictures posted so I couldn't post this yesterday
Today's letter is M and I have a couple of shots I would like to share.
M is for Moon.
I love this shot of the moon peeking over the mountain
(oh look another M word)

This one is a Mule
one of the many animals that we visit every couple of weeks.

(Apparently this mule is very mule-headed and they usually let it wonder around the property. He followed us around the whole morning that we were there.)
I love this shot of the moon peeking over the mountain
(oh look another M word)

This one is a Mule
one of the many animals that we visit every couple of weeks.

(Apparently this mule is very mule-headed and they usually let it wonder around the property. He followed us around the whole morning that we were there.)
Those are my shots for today, to see some more head over here.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Ok now don't get mad
but I won again (ducking pillows). This time it was a giveaway from almost 2 weeks ago.
Did I tell you about "Frontier Days" in town a couple of weeks ago? I don't think I did (I need to also put pictures up of it). Savie and I went with another mom and her two kids. Savie and I had fun but I don't think my friend J did. But she had two kids to deal with and one was a little over a year so she's a squirmy little thing. There were a lot of fun rides for the kids to go on but there was a downside, we parents even had to have tickets to go on with the kids. That was a bummer especially when every ride takes 3 tickets and 20 tickets cost $15. But we did get to go on cool things like this one and of course we had to do this when we got there. But like most carnivals/fairs there is always the area that is set up for business's to do freebie's/giveaways. And as you can see from this and this I love giveaways. Well.....I won!! Free steaks from Schwan's!!!!!! I love this company and would love to order things from them all the time. If I could share my luck I would (ha ha) but I think I have hit the end of it.
On another note, Savie had her Dr. appt's today and he thinks it may be allergies. I was suppose to get a script for it tonight but it somehow didn't make it to the pharmacy's. Odd how that happened. But that means that I can pick it up tomorrow after I call the Dr's office and find out what happened to it. At least now I know why she might have a runny nose/cough for the past 15 days. Wish me luck.
Did I tell you about "Frontier Days" in town a couple of weeks ago? I don't think I did (I need to also put pictures up of it). Savie and I went with another mom and her two kids. Savie and I had fun but I don't think my friend J did. But she had two kids to deal with and one was a little over a year so she's a squirmy little thing. There were a lot of fun rides for the kids to go on but there was a downside, we parents even had to have tickets to go on with the kids. That was a bummer especially when every ride takes 3 tickets and 20 tickets cost $15. But we did get to go on cool things like this one and of course we had to do this when we got there. But like most carnivals/fairs there is always the area that is set up for business's to do freebie's/giveaways. And as you can see from this and this I love giveaways. Well.....I won!! Free steaks from Schwan's!!!!!! I love this company and would love to order things from them all the time. If I could share my luck I would (ha ha) but I think I have hit the end of it.
On another note, Savie had her Dr. appt's today and he thinks it may be allergies. I was suppose to get a script for it tonight but it somehow didn't make it to the pharmacy's. Odd how that happened. But that means that I can pick it up tomorrow after I call the Dr's office and find out what happened to it. At least now I know why she might have a runny nose/cough for the past 15 days. Wish me luck.
Monday, April 14, 2008
It happened again
I won again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First I won on my friend Anna's site (I can't wait for my prize to get here from her) and from 5 Minutes For Mom I won this!!!!! Yeah I must be on a roll this morning. I could have used that luck when we were at the horse races this past weekend, lol.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Sunday Scribblings #106
this week's prompt is Fearless, something I really wish I was. My list of fears is short but they are valid even if they don't make a lot of sense.
For example, I am afraid of heights
but I love roller coasters.
I wish I had my daughter's fearless-ness.
She is more than willing to do something like this
without a second thought.
She is willing to go and ask another kid to play with her, even when we are in the store. She is such a wiling child. I don't want my fears to rub off on her but when I see moments like this

and I know there is no way that is going to happen.
For example, I am afraid of heights
but I love roller coasters.
I wish I had my daughter's fearless-ness.

She is more than willing to do something like this

She is willing to go and ask another kid to play with her, even when we are in the store. She is such a wiling child. I don't want my fears to rub off on her but when I see moments like this

and I know there is no way that is going to happen.
Friday, April 11, 2008
I love....
finding new things. And right now it's photo sites where I can mess with the pictures I've taken. I've been wondering where Fussy has been going to do her pictures. They are so great, with the bubble writing and the everything. And then Ms Amanda did it to. But she gave me the place to go try it myself, picnik. So for your viewing pleasure I give you these

one of the Easter pictures i took before we went in to see the Easter Bunny

This is one from Frontier Days here in Sierra Vista. It was their first time doing it but they did it really good.

This is one from horse days. I did a little 1960's magic to it.
Ok now that you've seen what I've been doing for the last hour I think I need a bad mommy moment, lol.

one of the Easter pictures i took before we went in to see the Easter Bunny

This is one from Frontier Days here in Sierra Vista. It was their first time doing it but they did it really good.

This is one from horse days. I did a little 1960's magic to it.
Ok now that you've seen what I've been doing for the last hour I think I need a bad mommy moment, lol.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Sky Watch Friday

It's Friday time to watch the sky.

I love this shot from a friends front yard when we had a party at her house this past week. I had to take it quickly before the wind blew me away, lol.
Head over to Tom's blog to see some more great pictures.
I love spring but........
my nose isn't that crazy about it. I wake up sneezing and have a sore throat before I even get out of bed. I love watching the desert change from a boring, icky brown to a nice shade of green around here but my nose doesn't seem to care for it which I find a little odd since I have never had a problem with flowers blooming, pet dander, etc until I moved to AZ (which is something I've heard form a lot of people that live here. And the winds are not helping. The past couple of days have been awful, this past week and a half actually. We have had wind advisories all week which means that we have had winds, not gust mind you, winds of up 35 MPH. Did I move to Chicago or something? This makes it a little hard to line dry clothes. At least 2 things have to be re-washed because they flew off the line and have been lying in a cactus bush (trust me they have to be washed again those are small thorns that have to be washed out). I try to get a load up and drying early in the morning before the wind has a chance to pick up speed and nothing flies off, but if not that means that there will be a load drying overnight and I have to hope that nothing blows off during the night and javelina's, deer, or some other wild animal goes on it.
So where was I? OH right talking about the beauty of spring. I have been getting up early all week to go the Sam's, the daycare/dance studio that is down the street from me. I am going to go back to school this summer and start taking classes to be a preschool teacher so I can take over her place (oh Sam is a real person not just the name) when she is ready to retire. Well I thought I would have time to at least get a year of school in before she was ready to go but I don't think I will have that much time. She is talking about leaving at the end of the summer?!?!?!? Can you tell that I'm a little scared? Does it show in my writing? I am not ready for this, mentally, financially, or physically. I have been getting up at 6 am for the past 3 mornings and I am so ready to take a nap by 1pm. And then I sleep for 3 hrs!!!! And so does Savie!!!! This is making nights hard on both of us. But I think it's because we aren't used to it. I mean as I'm writing this she is laying on the couch trying to sleep (it's 10pm right now). But I will do this. This is something I want to do and I like Sam's. It will be sad when she goes.
On a lighter note though, I think my microwave is dying. Tuesday afternoon I came home to a microwave that was turned off. Now I have taken to unplugging things that don't really need to be plugged in all the time, i.e. curling iron, phone charger, that kind of stuff so I jut thought that maybe I unplugged it and didn't remember doing it. But that was not the case, half the buttons on it are not working and it shut itself off twice last night when I was warming stuff up. Great I know this is going to just up and die on me soon and I don't have the money to buy a new one right now. And then for good measure the space heater in the bathroom is trying to die to. Can't wait for it to get warm.
So where was I? OH right talking about the beauty of spring. I have been getting up early all week to go the Sam's, the daycare/dance studio that is down the street from me. I am going to go back to school this summer and start taking classes to be a preschool teacher so I can take over her place (oh Sam is a real person not just the name) when she is ready to retire. Well I thought I would have time to at least get a year of school in before she was ready to go but I don't think I will have that much time. She is talking about leaving at the end of the summer?!?!?!? Can you tell that I'm a little scared? Does it show in my writing? I am not ready for this, mentally, financially, or physically. I have been getting up at 6 am for the past 3 mornings and I am so ready to take a nap by 1pm. And then I sleep for 3 hrs!!!! And so does Savie!!!! This is making nights hard on both of us. But I think it's because we aren't used to it. I mean as I'm writing this she is laying on the couch trying to sleep (it's 10pm right now). But I will do this. This is something I want to do and I like Sam's. It will be sad when she goes.
On a lighter note though, I think my microwave is dying. Tuesday afternoon I came home to a microwave that was turned off. Now I have taken to unplugging things that don't really need to be plugged in all the time, i.e. curling iron, phone charger, that kind of stuff so I jut thought that maybe I unplugged it and didn't remember doing it. But that was not the case, half the buttons on it are not working and it shut itself off twice last night when I was warming stuff up. Great I know this is going to just up and die on me soon and I don't have the money to buy a new one right now. And then for good measure the space heater in the bathroom is trying to die to. Can't wait for it to get warm.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Yet another reason I am weird
There are so many reasons that I am weird. Just look at this for starters. But I have a couple of other things to add to the list. I am not really big on letting Savie stay with other people. It's not that I don't trust these people but I just don't feel comfortable doing it. Let me give you a little background on my thinking here.
I am one of the few African American people in town and when I saw "few" I mean 3. That's it. Last summer at the Farmer's Market I spent a lot of the mornings with B, an African American male, who is the opposite of me. He is married to a white woman while I am married to a white man. There were a couple of people who asked me if we were dating, lol. Now remember I do a lot of stuff with Savie at the library or the Farmer's Market but there aren't many times that we do things as a family here in town. We go camping on the weekends, we go out driving as a family, that kind of stuff. He works all week long and is tired on the weekends, I know this and am trying to let him relax and unwind, spend time with his friend. So it wasn't that big of a surprise when people say stuff like that to me. But I'm getting off topic.
Well B and his wife are very nice, they are a lot of fun. I just don't want Savie to be there. They have offered to watch her so hubby and I can go out to dinner by ourselves or do something as a couple but I don't see the point. We are a family, the three of us, so if we are going to have a family dinner then it will be the three of us. Plenty of other people have offered this as well and I've always told them "No, thank you". I just don't feel comfortable leaving her with people for any length of time.
Does that seem weird? That I don't want my child to be away from me? Not because I'm worried that they will do something to her or harm her in anyway or give her something I don't want her to have but because I don't want to "put her off on other people". I feel ok leaving her to go upstairs at the library or at Sam's (the daycare I'm thinking of taking over) so I can buy some stamps at the post office next door or let her play in the pool at K's house while I take Halley for a quick walk, to me that's ok, she's only with that person(s) for, at most, 20 minutes. I think I need to get over this and let her have some playtime/play date's with kids without me.
I am one of the few African American people in town and when I saw "few" I mean 3. That's it. Last summer at the Farmer's Market I spent a lot of the mornings with B, an African American male, who is the opposite of me. He is married to a white woman while I am married to a white man. There were a couple of people who asked me if we were dating, lol. Now remember I do a lot of stuff with Savie at the library or the Farmer's Market but there aren't many times that we do things as a family here in town. We go camping on the weekends, we go out driving as a family, that kind of stuff. He works all week long and is tired on the weekends, I know this and am trying to let him relax and unwind, spend time with his friend. So it wasn't that big of a surprise when people say stuff like that to me. But I'm getting off topic.
Well B and his wife are very nice, they are a lot of fun. I just don't want Savie to be there. They have offered to watch her so hubby and I can go out to dinner by ourselves or do something as a couple but I don't see the point. We are a family, the three of us, so if we are going to have a family dinner then it will be the three of us. Plenty of other people have offered this as well and I've always told them "No, thank you". I just don't feel comfortable leaving her with people for any length of time.
Does that seem weird? That I don't want my child to be away from me? Not because I'm worried that they will do something to her or harm her in anyway or give her something I don't want her to have but because I don't want to "put her off on other people". I feel ok leaving her to go upstairs at the library or at Sam's (the daycare I'm thinking of taking over) so I can buy some stamps at the post office next door or let her play in the pool at K's house while I take Halley for a quick walk, to me that's ok, she's only with that person(s) for, at most, 20 minutes. I think I need to get over this and let her have some playtime/play date's with kids without me.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
ABC Wednesday

Today's letter is L and L is for........
The littlest love of my life
(I wish you could also hear the laughter I got while taking this picture)
(I wish you could also hear the laughter I got while taking this picture)

These are my friends K lambs that live in her house
(Unfortunately the one closet to Savie is the only one still alive)
(Unfortunately the one closet to Savie is the only one still alive)
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sunday Scribblings #105
I started this Sat night and here it is Monday night and I am just now finishing, that's not good.
So the Photograph is a the prompt for this Sunday. I love taking pictures, I bought a digital camera about a year and a half ago because I was taking so many pictures of my daughter and couldn't wait for them to be developed (plus we live 45 minutes away from the closet place that does it). But I couldn't stop taking pictures. When I finally got my digital, after weeks of looking at them and pricing them mind you, I bought one that fit me. A simple, easy camera that took okay pictures but also took video which meant that we, or rather I, didn't have to lug out the big old camera he has that for some reason doesn't hold a charge on the battery.
The first year there were so many pictures of Savie at the house we were living in, I took pictures of her every chance i got. Especially in outfits that family had bought her. I wanted them to know that I got the outfits, they fit, and we loved them. But were there pictures of me anywhere? Nope. Not if I could help it. Her first birthday came and went and I had amassed about 200 pictures just from my digital.
The second year was probably close to that. We were walking and learning to do things. Have to have pictures of that. We were trying new foods. Had to have pictures of the mess we made. Digital camera:200 Film Camera:0
And now we are working our way thru our third year and the number is getting higher. I think I can count on one hand how many pictures there are of me in all of that. I am on the one who takes pictures on outings, on road trips, on Easter and Christmas and Birthdays. I am the photographer there is no need for me to be in any of them. I am the record keeper.
To read more posts/stories head on over here.
So the Photograph is a the prompt for this Sunday. I love taking pictures, I bought a digital camera about a year and a half ago because I was taking so many pictures of my daughter and couldn't wait for them to be developed (plus we live 45 minutes away from the closet place that does it). But I couldn't stop taking pictures. When I finally got my digital, after weeks of looking at them and pricing them mind you, I bought one that fit me. A simple, easy camera that took okay pictures but also took video which meant that we, or rather I, didn't have to lug out the big old camera he has that for some reason doesn't hold a charge on the battery.
The first year there were so many pictures of Savie at the house we were living in, I took pictures of her every chance i got. Especially in outfits that family had bought her. I wanted them to know that I got the outfits, they fit, and we loved them. But were there pictures of me anywhere? Nope. Not if I could help it. Her first birthday came and went and I had amassed about 200 pictures just from my digital.
The second year was probably close to that. We were walking and learning to do things. Have to have pictures of that. We were trying new foods. Had to have pictures of the mess we made. Digital camera:200 Film Camera:0
And now we are working our way thru our third year and the number is getting higher. I think I can count on one hand how many pictures there are of me in all of that. I am on the one who takes pictures on outings, on road trips, on Easter and Christmas and Birthdays. I am the photographer there is no need for me to be in any of them. I am the record keeper.
To read more posts/stories head on over here.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
It finally happened
It was only a matter of time before it happened. I knew but I was hoping that I would be one of the lucky parents whose kids rarely sick. Yes Savie has had cold before so that is nothing new for me but this sick, this is a new one. I am not used to or ready for this. Savie has an ear infection. I think the more I say it the easier it will be for me. I was hoping that maybe it was just a cold since we had been to the mountains and she was running around like a crazy child. (I will post pictures on another day)
Well all we she has been cranky, grumpy, clingy but then for about 5-6 hrs everyday she is just fine. She is her normal, happy self and then she turns again into this clingy, upset, cranky little monster. I finally broke down and called for an appt. today since she has gone back to taking a nap everyday this week and had a low grade fever. I just hope that the meds they gave me will help her. My poor baby is sick.
Well all we she has been cranky, grumpy, clingy but then for about 5-6 hrs everyday she is just fine. She is her normal, happy self and then she turns again into this clingy, upset, cranky little monster. I finally broke down and called for an appt. today since she has gone back to taking a nap everyday this week and had a low grade fever. I just hope that the meds they gave me will help her. My poor baby is sick.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Sky Watch Friday
This is a picture I took when I left him in the mountains on Saturday. Don't worry I picked him up on Monday. It's a 2 hr drive from home so I couldn't leave him there, lol. I love the sunsets up there at our place in the mountains.

To see more beautiful skies head over to Tom's Blog and be amazed.

To see more beautiful skies head over to Tom's Blog and be amazed.
Just a little info
Well first things first.... I won!!!!!!!! I was over at my friends Anna's blog and she was having a great giveaway so I entered but I love talking to her online anyways but I'm getting sidetracked here. She had some really cute things for her giveaway and was just commenting to say hi. But then this morning I got a comment on my blog saying I won!!!!!!!! So I was doing this (kinda) this morning. I love this song and it's my "happy dance" song (don't forget to turn on your speakers, lol)
Or maybe this one
I had my speakers on and Savie was all over the room dancing, lol. I wish I had my camera with me, it was just to cute.
Or maybe this one
I had my speakers on and Savie was all over the room dancing, lol. I wish I had my camera with me, it was just to cute.
Suppernanny.... and other things
OMGoodness, that little girl stayed at the table until she fell asleep. I'm sorry but that's funny to me. That is something out of "Mommy Dearest", and 6 yr old that don't know how to wipe themselves?!?!? That is just ridiculous.
OK let me back up a little here. I love to watch Suppernanny, not because I think I really need but more for the whole 'seeing a car pulled over on the side of the road, Oh look honey I think they had a car accident-I wonder if anyone is hurt' as you drive on by kinda thing. I am not at all a perfect mother (see this post, this post oh just click on bad mommy, lol. ) but watching other parents with out of control kids doing things that just make me say "duh" is kinda a sick, funny thing for me. But I think I offended my friend J when I said something along of the lines of "well what do the parents expect from their kids when they are up jumping around and being crazy 10 minutes before it's bedtime." She got kinda quiet after I said that.
But the family tonight was going thru something that I don't know how to deal with yet but will need to soon. I only have one grandparent left so when she passes I will be heartbroken but I will have to find some way to deal and help Savie deal. It was a good episode with a lot of heartfelt moments.
I love you Supernanny.
OK let me back up a little here. I love to watch Suppernanny, not because I think I really need but more for the whole 'seeing a car pulled over on the side of the road, Oh look honey I think they had a car accident-I wonder if anyone is hurt' as you drive on by kinda thing. I am not at all a perfect mother (see this post, this post oh just click on bad mommy, lol. ) but watching other parents with out of control kids doing things that just make me say "duh" is kinda a sick, funny thing for me. But I think I offended my friend J when I said something along of the lines of "well what do the parents expect from their kids when they are up jumping around and being crazy 10 minutes before it's bedtime." She got kinda quiet after I said that.
But the family tonight was going thru something that I don't know how to deal with yet but will need to soon. I only have one grandparent left so when she passes I will be heartbroken but I will have to find some way to deal and help Savie deal. It was a good episode with a lot of heartfelt moments.
I love you Supernanny.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
ABC Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday #5

I'm A Gardener!!!!!!!!
This goes along with my tackle from last week.
To see other Wordless Wednesday head over to 5 Minutes For Mom.
My fashion question
OK I have already said that I am bot a trendy mother but I have a fashion question for Musings of a Housewife since she also has a fashion blog, Chic Critique, even though this week they are mostly talking about make-up which I don't do. Or maybe I should as Fussy, she has lots of good advice on fashion things. But let me get to my point.
I broke down and bought cowboy boots for myself. Hubby has several pairs and Savie has some to so it was only fitting that I have a pair to. They were a birthday present to myself. They are so comfortable, even for me and I have a tendency to stomp not walk. And as for the past couple of posts But I wear my boots almost everyday with jeans. Now after reading a lot of We are THAT Family and her talking about the rodeo it got me to thinking. Do I need to wear boot cut jeans with my cowboy boots? Or are my regular jeans ok? Does it make a difference?
Any suggestions anyone?
I broke down and bought cowboy boots for myself. Hubby has several pairs and Savie has some to so it was only fitting that I have a pair to. They were a birthday present to myself. They are so comfortable, even for me and I have a tendency to stomp not walk. And as for the past couple of posts But I wear my boots almost everyday with jeans. Now after reading a lot of We are THAT Family and her talking about the rodeo it got me to thinking. Do I need to wear boot cut jeans with my cowboy boots? Or are my regular jeans ok? Does it make a difference?
Any suggestions anyone?
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Some things are just not meant to be
After the "happy homecoming" I got on Saturday and then the disaster of a walk on Sunday, and having to drive back up on Monday morning I just wanted to relax this week. It was not to be.
Savie and hubby went to bed early last night, around 8pm, so I was able to watch a lot of the shows that I had on DVR. (Click over here or here to see what I've watched so far) Well after Sat. night I am a little jumpy about noises outside so when I heard something fall last night I was a little scared to look out the window to see what it was. I was hoping it was just something falling in the shower. I looked in the bathroom, in the shower and...........nothing. Still didn't want to look outside so I went back to watching Dexter. When I did finally look outside what did I see????
A SKUNK!!!!!!!!!!! ON THE TABLE SAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes a skunk up on my husbands table saw. I watched him for about 15 minutes while he crawled around on top and then back down off the table. Why oh why was my camera in the car? LOL I'm sure by now a lot f you are thinking that I'm this stuff up and trust me I wish I was. A there are just some things I wish weren't really happening.
Savie and hubby went to bed early last night, around 8pm, so I was able to watch a lot of the shows that I had on DVR. (Click over here or here to see what I've watched so far) Well after Sat. night I am a little jumpy about noises outside so when I heard something fall last night I was a little scared to look out the window to see what it was. I was hoping it was just something falling in the shower. I looked in the bathroom, in the shower and...........nothing. Still didn't want to look outside so I went back to watching Dexter. When I did finally look outside what did I see????
A SKUNK!!!!!!!!!!! ON THE TABLE SAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes a skunk up on my husbands table saw. I watched him for about 15 minutes while he crawled around on top and then back down off the table. Why oh why was my camera in the car? LOL I'm sure by now a lot f you are thinking that I'm this stuff up and trust me I wish I was. A there are just some things I wish weren't really happening.
Claudia cracks me up. I took this from her because she was tired and I know she will get a kick out of this. So here are my answers.
1.Who are your much loved Bands? Favorite songs by them?
I don't get to listen to the radio much but I am still stuck on Erykah Badu (Bag Lady, Apple Tree, and my all time favorite song Tyronne) I love me some Mary J. Blige , 2Pac, and yes R. Kelly but a lot of the older stuff (ie Chocolate factory, Step In the Name of Love)
2.Do you like your job? Could you do your boss' job?
I love everything about my job SAHM!!! Even when we have bad days and there is nothing but crying I still love my job. And there is no way hubby could do it everyday. He can barely survive a weekend in the mountains with her, lol.
3.What is the first thing you would do if you won the jackpot? (I mean after you collect your winnings.)
Buy a house!!!!!! I like our house but it's not big enough for us so we need something bigger for his work, Savie, Halley. Just space.
4.Most annoying thing in the news paper?
Don't read it enough to be annoyed with it.
5.Best line from a movie?
I have to leave this one and come back. I can't think of one right now but it's probably from "The Transporter", lol.
Head over to her blog and check her out.
1.Who are your much loved Bands? Favorite songs by them?
I don't get to listen to the radio much but I am still stuck on Erykah Badu (Bag Lady, Apple Tree, and my all time favorite song Tyronne) I love me some Mary J. Blige , 2Pac, and yes R. Kelly but a lot of the older stuff (ie Chocolate factory, Step In the Name of Love)
2.Do you like your job? Could you do your boss' job?
I love everything about my job SAHM!!! Even when we have bad days and there is nothing but crying I still love my job. And there is no way hubby could do it everyday. He can barely survive a weekend in the mountains with her, lol.
3.What is the first thing you would do if you won the jackpot? (I mean after you collect your winnings.)
Buy a house!!!!!! I like our house but it's not big enough for us so we need something bigger for his work, Savie, Halley. Just space.
4.Most annoying thing in the news paper?
Don't read it enough to be annoyed with it.
5.Best line from a movie?
I have to leave this one and come back. I can't think of one right now but it's probably from "The Transporter", lol.
Head over to her blog and check her out.
Tackle It Tuesday #8

I had a tackle all set and ready to go for today but I just couldn't do it. I was going to go bathing suit shopping. Savie has one so I need one to, right? In the next town over there is an indoor pool and some of the rest of our group have been there a couple of times in the past month (march) and we haven't gone because...mommy doesn't have a bathing suit. My friend J told me just to go in some shorts and top but I don't even have that, lol. But since Savie was having a meltdown and I am trying to follow what my newest parenting book says about that stuff. We tried leaving the store and sitting in the car but that didn't work so we came home. A 45 minute drive with my 3yr old yelling and screaming at me for about 30 min of it. (she fell asleep after that). Not the tackle I wanted to get done but I think I have tackled the whole temper tantrum in stores issue, lol.
I know this is late but I'm hoping that next week my tackle will be my receipt box and getting our taxes done.
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